Friday, April 20, 2012

Eat to Live by Joel Fuhrman, MD

This is one of those mind blowing books!  It is the first book I recommend to people who really want to change their LIFESTYLE!!  Dr. Fuhrman preaches a simple rule, everything you eat should have a high degree of nutrition compared to its calories. Therefore, meats, dairy, white flour, and processed foods don't make the cut!  We should be eating mainly greens, vegetables, beans, fruit and nuts. This is the lifestyle I have chosen!  I feel SO MUCH better and have TONS MORE energy when I eat this way!  (And when I do not eat this way...I FEEL a lot worse!!)  Once you start eating more healthy (like a "Nutritarian" Furhman says) you will reap numerous benefits!  You will have much less cravings for unhealthy things and you will be feeding your body highly nutritious food! Not to mention, any extra pounds you might be holding on to will simply melt away!!

From back cover..."Eat to Live offers a highly effective, scientifically proven way to lose weight. The key to Dr. Joel Fuhrman's revolutionary six-week plan is simple: health = nutrients / calories. When the ratio of nutrients to calories in the food you eat is high, you lose weight. The more nutrient-dense food you eat, the less you crave fat, sweets, and high-caloric foods. EAT TO LIVE has been revised to include inspiring success stories from people who have used the program to lose shockingly large amounts of weight and recover from life-threatening illnesses; Dr. Fuhrman's nutrient density index; up-to-date scientific research supporting the principles behind Dr. Fuhrman's plan; new recipes and meal ideas; and much more. This easy-to-follow, nutritionally sound diet can help anyone shed pounds quickly-and keep them off."

1 comment:

  1. I love this book! I have this and the china study! Both full of priceless information!
