Sunday, May 6, 2012

Healthy Tip: Freeze Bananas

 We use TONS of bananas in our house...mostly for GREEN SMOOTHIES!!  SO, whenever bananas go on sale, I stock up. I buy LOTS and then I freeze them so they will last!
After I buy the bananas, I remove them all from their bunches and let them sit out until they are ripe to get the best flavor!
Next I start my assembly line to get them ready to freeze! First, I peel all the bananas.
 Next, I break the banana in half and place it in its own individual plastic baggie.
Then I place all the small bags of bananas into one large freezer bag and stick it in the freezer.  The result is I have frozen bananas for my smoothie ALL the time...and at a GREAT price!!

1 comment:

  1. I do this too only I've never separated them in individual bags. Probably helps with freezer burn. Good idea!
