Thursday, April 19, 2012

Healthy Tip: Replace Animal Foods With Plant Foods!!

"Let FOOD be your medicine, and medicine be your food." -Hippocrates

Before 1900, heart disease (today's biggest killer) was not even included in medical textbooks.  Cancer, diabetes, arthritis, and other major diseases were rare and confined to the wealthy, who ate like most Americans eat today.  People back then did not die of our current diseases because their eating habits were very different.  Working class Americans ate bread, potatoes, corn, oats, rye, barley, other whole grains, fruit, beans, and vegetables as the main staples in their diet. It is not that they did not want the animal products, they simply could not afford them.  As animal foods became more affordable, all Americans switched to animal based diets vs their previous plant based diets. The average American eats 225 lbs of meat a year! 

We grow far more food to grow the animals we eat, then we grow to feed ourselves! (Farm animals consume 80% of corn and grains, and 95% of the oats we grow.)

By giving up meat, you are saving one million gallons of fresh water every year!!  WHOA!! Reducing meat consumption is the best way to conserve our fresh water supply!!

Drinking 3 glasses of milk a day (which is what the dairy industry and government recommends) is equal to the same artery clogging cholesterol as eating 21 slices of bacon!!  One pint of icecream is worth 24 slices of bacon!!

An animal based diet consumes 1/3 of our raw materials and fossil fuels

"The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will involve the patient in the proper use of food, fresh air, and exercise." -Thomas Edison

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